Types of Instructional Design Models

Instructional design models are frameworks that provide guidance for creating effective learning experiences. They help to identify the goals of instruction, determine what content should be included and how it will be presented, assess learners’ needs and capabilities, develop assessments to measure success in meeting objectives, select appropriate media or technology tools for delivery of materials and activities ,and evaluate results. Common instructional design models include ADDIE (Analysis-Design-Development-Implementation-Evaluation), SAM (Successive Approximation Model) , Gagne’s Nine Events Of Instruction model which is a cognitive approach based on Bloom’s Taxonomy; Dick & Carey Systems Approach focusing more on behaviorism ; Kemp Design Process with its focus on problem solving; Keller Plan focused around motivation principles such as ARCS(Attention – Relevance – Confidence – Satisfaction); Merrill Principles/Merrill Cognitive Domain emphasizing mental processes involved in understanding material being taught ; Morrison Media Ecology concentrating mainly upon different types of communication mediums used within an educational setting . Each model provides unique insights into designing effective instructions but they all share common elements: goal identification / analysis phase where learner characteristics are identified along with desired outcomes from instruction; development stage when actual curriculum components like course structure lesson plans etc..are created using various methods including backward planning strategy wherein starting point is determined first followed by other steps necessary towards achieving overall objective ; implementation step involves delivering designed program through suitable channels while evaluation process helps analyze effectiveness achieved after completion so changes can be made if needed accordingly

Instructional design models provide a framework for effective English language teaching. They can be used to create lesson plans, develop materials and assess student progress. The most common instructional design model is the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) Model which provides an iterative process of designing instruction that takes into account learners’ needs as well as learning objectives. Other popular models include the SAMR (Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition), Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction and Keller’s ARCS Motivation Model among others; each providing different approaches to curriculum development depending on individual teacher preferences or specific classroom contexts. Regardless of what type of instructional design model is chosen by teachers it should focus on engaging students in meaningful activities while promoting their active participation throughout lessons so they are able to acquire new knowledge more effectively through practice-based tasks rather than traditional lecture style delivery methods alone